Michigan Corrections Association
P.O. Box 12022
Lansing, MI 48933
888-MCA-MICH (888-622-6424)
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A. Classification of Members
  1. Professional Member – Any person who is actively engaged in or retired from the criminal justice or related field.
  2. Associate Member – Any person interested in and supportive of the Michigan Corrections Association, including students and interested citizens not employed in the field of criminal justice. Associate members shall not have the right to vote or hold office.
  3. Honorary Member – any person selected by the Executive Board from among those Michigan residents who have made outstanding contributions to the growth and development of corrections and prevention work.
  4. Life Member – Any person selected by the Executive Board who has made outstanding contributions and services to the Michigan Corrections Association. A Life Member shall have the rights and privileges of a Professional Member for the Michigan Corrections Association only.
B. Dues
  1. The amount of dues shall be determined by the Executive Board as it may deem necessary.
The fiscal year of the Association shall be from January 1 to December 31, inclusive.
Written records shall be kept in a manner approved by the Executive Board of all the income and expenditures of the Association. Those records shall be audited by a certified public accountant, as soon as possible after the end of the fiscal year, if income exceeds $10,000, in accordance with IRS regulations. When the income does not exceed $10,000, the president will appoint two members to review financial records and submit a report of their findings no later than April 1 of the following year. A copy of the report of the audit shall be included in the Treasurer’s annual report, and upon demand thereafter shall be furnished to any member of the Association.
The Treasurer shall deposit the funds of the organization in a bank to be designated by the Executive Board and shall withdraw funds therefrom only under the direction of the Executive Board and as may be provided by suitable resolution of the Executive Board from time to time.
The Executive Board shall hold regular quarterly meetings and other special meetings at the call of the President, or in the absence of the President, by the Vice President, or upon request, signed by any five members thereof. No action shall be taken by the Executive Board of this Association unless a quorum of said elected Executive Board has voted thereon. A majority vote of this quorum shall be considered a majority vote of the Executive Board of this Association.
Any or all of the members of the Executive Board may participate in a meeting of the board or any committee by means of a conference telephone or other communication device by which all persons participating in the meeting are able to communicate with each other. Such participation shall constitute presence in person at the meeting.
Any member of the Executive Board may select any regular member of the Association as proxy to attend and to vote at meetings of the Board, however, no single active member shall hold more than one proxy at one meeting.
The President shall call and preside over all meetings of the Executive Board; and shall appoint chairpersons of all standing committees and other non-elected positions including but not limited to Attorney, Parliamentarian, Accountants, etc., who shall fill any vacancies occurring during the term of office of said chairpersons and members. The appointment of chairpersons of all standing committees shall be subject to confirmation by the Executive Board. Chairpersons and members shall be removed from committees in the same manner as that by which they are appointed. The President shall be a member ex-officio of all committees. The President shall prepare an annual budget at the close of that term of office and shall present the same at the first meeting of the Executive Board held after the expiration of that term. The President shall perform other such duties and functions as the Executive Board may require.
The Vice President shall, when directed by the President, or in the absence of the President, preside at meetings of the Association and the Executive Board.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall succeed to the office and shall be President for the unexpired term, under the same conditions as if elected to the office, and shall perform such other duties and functions as the Executive Board may require.
The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board. The Recording Secretary shall perform other such duties and functions as the Executive Board may require and prepare an Annual Report to be submitted to the President.
The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for all Association correspondence and shall perform such other duties and functions as the Executive Board may require.
The Financial Secretary shall be responsible for collection and receipting of all Association funds. The Financial Secretary is responsible for recording of all funds received by the Association as accepted by the Executive Board. The Financial Secretary shall perform such other duties and functions as the Executive Board may require and prepare an Annual Report to be submitted to the President.
The Treasurer is responsible for the distribution and depositing of all Association funds. A record of all such transactions is to be maintained by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties and functions the Executive Board may require and shall prepare an Annual Report of all income and expenditure to be submitted to the Executive Board at the first meeting of the fiscal year.
The Trustees, as members of the government Executive Board, shall be vested with the power and duty to transact all business of the Association and subject to the Constitution and By-Laws be responsible for carrying out its purposes and objectives. The Trustees shall perform such other duties and functions as the Executive Board may require.
The standing committees of this Association shall be:
1. Publicity and Public Relations
2. Membership
3. Legislative
4. Grant/Project/Education
5. Site Selection
6. Conference
7. Editorial and Publishing
Publicity and Public Relations
It shall be the duty of the Publicity and Public Relations Committee to develop and disseminate publicity to promote the MCA locally and out-of-state and to act as liaison to other corrections related associations. It shall be the function of this committee to review and select candidates for the media award(s); and submit a historical sketch of the Association upon request.
It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee to seek and promote participation in the Association. This committee shall maintain membership rolls and gather and compile activities of members on behalf of the Association. It shall be the responsibility of this committee to screen and review applications for membership and submit suitable applicants to the Executive Board or its designate for final approval. This committee also shall submit names of voting members (professionals and life) to the nominating committee for use in the proper compilation of any election results in any annual or special election designated by the Executive Board. All referrals for Life and Honorary membership are to be referred to this committee for initial review prior to action by the Executive Board or its designee.
It shall be the duty of the Legislative Committee to gather and monitor all legislation affecting the field of corrections. It shall be the responsibility of this committee to research and report on pending legislation. It shall be a function of this committee to act as liaison to the legislative and executive branches of government. The chairperson of this committee shall be the Vice President/President Elect.
It shall be the duty of the Grant/Project/Education Committee to promote and procure grants from all sources. It shall be the responsibility of this committee to review, develop a criteria and procedure by which grants are provided and recommend to the board all projects submitted to them for funding. It shall be the function of this committee to develop programs to inform, train and educate members through seminars, in-service training and stipends.
It shall be the duty of the Conference Committee to develop the theme and plan the associational program of the annual conference.
Site Selection
It shall be the duty of the Site Selection Committee to review and report to the Board on sites for the annual conference.
Editorial and Publishing
It shall be the duty of the Editorial and Publishing Committee to collect, review and prepare all material for publishing in the Association’s newsletter and magazine. It shall be a function of this committee to act as liaison to the publisher.
Special committees shall be established by the President as necessary to perform specific tasks. Special committees may include, but shall not be limited to, the following: Special Projects, Vendors, Awards, Constitution/Parliamentarian, Past Presidents and Nominating.
Nominating Special Committee
It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to coordinate the screening, selection and election of nominees for all elected offices. Preferably there shall be a minimum of two nominees for each office.
Functions Standing and Special Committees
It shall be the function of the standing and special committees to exercise such discretion as may be prescribed by the President and evaluate, propose and make recommendations to the Executive Board based on the needs of the Association. No committee member shall speak on behalf of the Association without the approval of the Executive Board.
The Chairpersons of these committees shall be appointed by the President, except as set forth in these By-Laws. Committee chairpersons may attend meetings of the Executive Board and report to the Executive Board the progress of the committee. The Executive Board may suggest policy and outline of the work to be done.
Term of Office
The term of office for each standing committee shall be one year. The term for each special committee shall automatically cease at the end of the current President’s term or at the completion of the specific task for which the committee was established and presentation of the committee’s final report.
Committee Reports
All committees shall submit final written reports at the annual conference of the Association and shall present oral reports when requested.
The elected offices may be declared vacant by the Executive Board for failure or refusal of such officer or trustee to perform the duties of that office.
The declaration of a vacancy may be made at any regular meeting of the Executive Board or at any special meeting called by a member of the Executive Board, provided that at least thirty (30) days’ notice has been given to the occupant of any of the offices of the Association, sent to such officer’s last known address and to all members of the Executive Board by mail.
The office of a trustee may be declared vacant by the Executive Board upon the failure of such member to attend two (2) consecutive meetings of the Board without reasonable excuse given for such absence. The Chairperson or a member of any committee may be removed from office by the Executive Board whenever it appears to the Board that the Chairperson or member is not properly performing the duties of that office.
In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of President, the Vice President shall succeed to the office. If there is no Vice President, then the Corresponding Secretary shall act as President but shall immediately call a meeting of the Executive Board, and the Board shall elect a President to serve during the unexpired term.
The President shall, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board, fill any other vacancy which may occur, by appointment.
These By-laws may be amended or repealed, or new By-Laws may be adopted at any annual meeting of the Association by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at such annual meeting. The Executive Board shall also have the power to amend or repeal their By-Laws or to adopt new By-Laws, provided, however, that all the By-Laws so amended, repealed or adopted by the Executive Board shall be transmitted by the Corresponding Secretary to all members of the Association at least two (2) weeks prior to the next annual meeting of the Association, and unless the action of the Executive Board is approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at such annual meeting, such action shall thereafter be void.
Election of Officers and Trustees of the Association will be by ballot mailed to all eligible members of the Association. The ballot will be prepared by the Nominating Committee and certified by the Association’s certified public accountant or staff at the American Correctional Association.
Nominations for elected Officers and Trustees must be submitted by September 1st. Ballots will be mailed by October 1st. To be counted all ballots must be postmarked no later than November 1st.
Results will be announced on the Association website and in the Association newsletter. There will be no proxy voting.
Ballots will be held for three years by the Recording Secretary from the date of the election, and then destroyed.
Michigan Corrections Association/American Corrections Association members and those who are duly registered members at the annual conference will be eligible voting members for MCA purposes at the annual business meeting.